How to Fix Holes in a Jeans: Mending Small and Large Holes in Jeans like a Pro

Tears and holes in jeans appear only in areas with high stretch. These areas usually include the inner thighs or buttocks. There are two methods to fix your jeans holes- you can either sew the hole or patch them.

I will use both methods to fix the holes in the jeans inner thigh. So here is a step-by-step guide along with pictures to repair jeans.

How to Fix Holes in Jeans 1

Method 1: Sewing the hole – Fixing Small Holes in a Jeans

Step 1: Close the Hole by Hand Stitching

First, you need a threaded needle with a thread color that matches the jeans as closely as possible.

Now stitch both the edges of the hole together and secure the stitch ends by making a couple of knots.

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Step 2: Attaching Fusible Interfacing from Inside

Turn your jeans inside out and prepare the jeans by cutting excessive raw strands popping out of the jeans’ hole.

Now place fusible interfacing right over the hole and iron it to paste it on the hole. Cut the excessive interfacing, if any.

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Step 3: Slip Stitching Interfacing with the Jeans

Lastly, bling-stitch the interfacing to the jeans with the same matching thread as shown in the figure. You can use a zig-zag pattern to cover the whole interfacing area.

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Here is the final result after fixing a hole in jeans.

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Method 2: Patching the Hole – Fixing a Large Hole in the Jeans

Step 1: Pinning a Scrap Denim Patch

First, cut the fabric that is similar to your jeans’. The size of that fabric must be large enough to cover the hole area.

Now place the patch inside the jeans with the right side of the patch completely covering the hole. And then pin it in that position.

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Step 2: Hand Stitching the Denim Patch

Take a thread of color that matches the color of the jeans. Stitch the patch with the threaded needle all the way around the tear. Also, stitch the patch to the areas where the original jeans fabric is worn out.

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Step3: Closing the Hole Opening

Now weave the thread in and out of the bits between both edges of the tear. So, when you tighten both the edges of the tear join together to close the hole.

Now secure the thread by making a couple of knots. You must knot the thread into a nearby seam area where it is more secure.

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Step 4: Finishing

Now from the inside, cut off the excessive parts of the patch.

Stitch the edges of the patch loosely to the original jeans to hold down all the flappy bits of the patch. If you want to make a blind stitch, then try to catch white threads from the original jeans.

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Here is the final result after mending a large hole in jeans.

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Concluding Remarks

Remember that both methods are workable and cannot make your jeans appear new. However, that is sufficient enough to make your jeans wearable confidently.

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